Parenting is hard. Homeschool parenting can be even more challenging. SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a wonderful resource for homeschool parents. I was given a great opportunity to review SchoolhouseTeachers.com through the Homeschool Review Crew (I was accepted to this wonderful crew for the year! Eek!!) and I’m excited to share with you about our experiences and what you can access with their Yearly Membership.
In a nutshell SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a bank of over 350 courses for homeschool students and teaching materials for parents. All the courses are self-paced and completed on your timeline – just click and begin. They provide record keeping, and all tools necessary to complete each course are included in the membership. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has courses for all ages, preschool through high school.
Courses cover a wide range of topics from art and music to core classes like math and history. If you favor unit studies there are several studies per subject you may find interesting.
Here is an overview of a Geography lesson on maps:
The course is available for a wide age range and tailored to each with age-appropriate activities. Some courses are available to download as PDF files and others include videos. If you are looking for videos on a particular subject you can search the video library also where all course videos are together in one place. I love how the classes fit into our schedule and we can do them when we are ready – all we need is a computer, internet access, and a printer (if the course has worksheets to print.)
With your subscription to SchoolhouseTeachers.com you will also gain access to World Book – a wonderful learning resource for kids and teens that is like an online encyclopedia. We really love the kids section and how easy it is to navigate. My kids love animals and loved looking up their favorites!
There are in-depth articles for just about any topic which are safe for kids to look through – no questionable ads or links. World Book is full of great information, photos, videos, and more – all included in the SchoolhouseTeachers.com Yearly Membership.
One of my favorite areas of SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the section just for parents! They have so much great information here that can help homeschool parents of all types during many different stages of the homeschool journey. Courses include marriage, finances, organization, special needs, and many more.
I am a really big proponent of learning styles and how each child is different and learns differently so I really enjoyed the course titled “Your Child’s Learning Style”. It was full of great ideas on using child(ren)’s learning styles to get the most out of school time. Here’s a look at what this particular course included:
Each of my 4 school-aged kids learns a little (or a lot) differently than their siblings so the tips in this course were so helpful! I especially liked “Finding a Fit in the Imperfect – Adapting Curricula to Suit Your Needs” because we strive to keep homeschooling costs low and reuse books for all the kids if possible.
Speaking of keeping homeschool affordable: SchoolhouseTeachers.com is an affordable resource for homeschooling families too! Their Yearly Membership is a new price for the new year! You can access 350+ courses, World Book, the video library, planning materials, and the parents tools for only $90 per year or $9.95 per month for the WHOLE family – no extra charges for each child! These prices are only good through the end of January so act now by clicking the banner below and using one of these discount codes!
Coupon Codes
NEWYEAR18 – for the $90 Yearly Membership
MONTHNEWYEAR18 – for the $9.95 Monthly Membership
If you are interested but not ready to make a commitment you can get a one month trial for only $5! We are truly enjoying our membership and the nicely-done resources available and would recommend SchoolhouseTeachers.com to any homeschooling family!

Welcome to the homeschool review crew!