Have you tried the newest “thing”? I’m talking about coloring books for Mom’s (or any adult who loves to color). While I’ve always loved coloring along side my kids — I have fond memories of my own mom coloring with me when I was little — I’d never really given much thought to adding yet another thing to my ever-growing list of things to do in my spare time (what’s that really?) but I’ve come to enjoy taking a few minutes out of my day to color in this Inspirational Coloring for Mom.
I ended up in the section (yes there was a whole section) of adult coloring books at LifeWay a couple of weeks ago. This particular book (and another in the same series) appealed to me more than any others I’d seen thus far for several reasons.
- Each page has a Bible verse or biblical quote. It is nice to think of scripture while I’m coloring.
- These aren’t Mandalas. If you don’t know what that is, just never mind it. If you do, you might want to read up on what they mean before you color more. Let’s just say they aren’t Christian.
- The graphics are nice and clean with no mis-matched patterns. I don’t like it when things don’t line up, but these coloring pages are perfect and have tons of detail.
- I love the hardcover. I can hold this book in my hand or lap and the cover gives me something to bear down on.
- The binding is across the top and spiral. This makes it so easy to turn the book however you need and still never encounter the opposite page blocking your wrist.
- The book is a smaller size than most coloring books — it is roughly 10.5″ tall x 7.3″ wide — and fits nicely in my laptop case along side my case of coloring pencils.
- The paper is very thick. Most pens are not likely to bleed through.
- Each page is perforated along the top for easy removal. You can hang them along side your kid’s art on the fridge or frame them for yourself or as gifts.
- The opening page has a nice To/From notation so this would make a nice gift.
- The last few pages feature gift tags, cards, and bookmarks – you can color these, cut them out, and use or give them away.
I would recommend the Inspirational Coloring for Mom to any mom who enjoys coloring while being inspired by the Word of God. You can grab this coloring book at LifeWay (or other Christian book stores) or on Amazon for around the same price.
If you aren’t a mom or would like more they have several of these nice coloring books in this series including one for girls!